We produce
Your brand
Compañía Industrial de Tabacos S.A.

About us

We are a family of strong values backed by tradition, which over the years we became one of the largest industries in Bolivia, basing our business policies in strict compliance with the law.

We stand out for being a company which is committed to the quality of our products and the satisfaction of our customers, based on responsibility, seriousness, and solvency, which gives us 86 years of trajectory and experience of uninterrupted work.

We want to continue being one of the most credible and solid companies in Bolivia, always using the latest technology. Innovating the attributes of our products, working for continuous improvement and seeking full satisfaction to our customers.


Quality is one of our highest values, which has generated not only important investment in renovation and technological upgrading, but also the application of control systems at all stages of the productive and commercial process. We have certificates which speak well of our attention to detail and complete process.

You want to createyour own brand?

For more information, please contact us at export@citbolivia.com or send a message via our Contact Us form:

Contact us
  • Production center

    Km. 27 Carretera Norte
    Warnes - Santa Cruz
    Tel.: + (591) 3 9232472
  • Santa Cruz (Export Sales Office)

    Condominio Empresarial
    Parque Coronado
    (Carretera al Norte)
    PO Box 3101
    Tel.: + (591) 3 3888450
  • Cochabamba

    Av. Martín Cárdenas
    Entre Av. Blanco Galindo y
    Av. Capitán Victor Ustariz
    Tel.: + (591) 4 4022771
  • La Paz

    Av. Chacaltaya Nro. 2141
    Zona Achachicala
    Tel.: + (591) 2 2305353

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